EMC Insurance Company
EMC Insurance Companies has over 90 years of experience in providing insurance services for municipalities. EMC in Des Moines, Iowa, was established in 1911 and opened a branch office in Pennsylvania in 1946.EMC currently insures over one thousand municipalities in the State of Pennsylvania. EMC represents public entities of every size and description throughout Pennsylvania. Our clients include townships, boroughs, municipal authorities and fire companies. EMC has the financial security of an “A-” (Excellent) Best Rated Company. Our Agency has been securing insurance for townships, municipalities, and boroughs in Western Pennsylvania through EMC Insurance over the past decade. EMC insurance also provides a special dividend plan listed below.
Dividend Plan Features
- All premiums with EMC (with the exception of the Linebacker, Umbrella, and Bonds) are eligible for a dividend of up to 25%!
- Dividend amount determined by claims of our customer group during the calendar year And are paid out over the next three years!
- Dividends are not guaranteed.
- Even if the group has a bad claims year you can’t be assessed any additional premium.